2022.06-至今 河南农业大学 生命科学学院 微生物学系 讲师2017.09-2022.06中国科学院生态环境研究中心 环境工程专业 博士学位
2014.09-2017.06 河南师范大学 生命科学学院 生物学专业 硕士学位
2010.09-2014.06 河南师范大学 生命科学学院 生物技术专业 学士学位
1.tiantian tian, shiting dai, dejun liu, wei qiao, yang wang, yu zhang*, min yang. occurrence and transfer characteristics of blactx-m genes among escherichia coli from anaerobic digestion systems treating swine waste. science of the total environment, 2022, 834: 1553212.tiantian tian, wei qiao, ziming han, xianghua wen, min yang, yu zhang*. effect of temperature on the persistence of fecal bacteria in ambient anaerobic digestion systems treating swine manure. science of the total environment, 2021, 791 (18): 148302.
3.wei yuan#, tiantian tian# (与wei yuan并列第一), qingxiang yang*, luqman riaz. transfer potentials of antibiotic resistance genes in escherichia spp. strains from different sources. chemosphere, 2020, 246: 125736.
4.xiao-xiao yang, tian-tian tian, wei qiao, zhe tian, min yang, yu zhang*, jiu-yi li*. prevalence and characterization of oxazolidinone and phenicol crossresistance gene optra in enterococci obtained from anaerobic digestion systems treating swine manure. environmental pollution, 2020, 267: 115540.
5.qingxiang yang*(导师), tiantian tian, tianqi niu, panliang wang. molecular characterization of antibiotic resistance in cultivable multidrug-resistant bacteria from livestock manure. environmental pollution, 2017, 229: 188-198.
6.qingxiang yang*, hao zhang, yuhui guo and tiantian tian. influence of chicken manure fertilization on antibiotic-resistant bacteria in soil and the endophytic bacteria of pakchoi. international journal of environmental research and public health, 2016, 13 (7): 662.
7.张昱, hamidian amir hossein, 刘超, 田甜甜, 杨敏*. 伊朗水与环境领域面临的主要问题及中伊科技合作进展. 环境工程学报, 2020, 14(8): 2081-2088.
8.张昱*(导师), 田甜甜, 马春萌, 杨敏. 生物处理过程次生风险的产生与控制研究进展. 生物产业技术, 2019, 000 (002): 28-37.
9.田甜甜, 王瑞飞, 杨清香*. 抗生素耐药基因在畜禽粪便-土壤系统中的分布、扩散及检测方法. 微生物学通报, 2016, 43 (8): 1844-1853.